Path to Ministry
If you are interested in beginning on the path toward ministry with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Central Rocky Mountain Region, the first step is to meet with Joan Bell-Haynes, our Regional Minister. Please call Jennifer Force, Executive Administrator 303-561-1790 to schedule a time to meet with Joan.
In September, 2012, the Regional Board approved the Theological Foundations and Policies and Criteria for the Ordering of Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Central Rocky Mountain Region (CRMR), which is essentially an adoption of the General Church policies. The Regional Board also approved a condensed, more “reader-friendly” version of this new document called A Handbook for Candidates Seeking Standing as Ordained or Commissioned Ministers in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Central Rocky Mountain Region. It addresses the most common actions undertaken by the Committee on Standing and outlines more specifically how the Committee on Standing functions in the CRMR.
As you read the Handbook, please take note of a few policies: 1) requirements for Candidates for Ordination and Commissioning, 2) the Apprentice Track for Ordination, 3) standing for Commissioned Theological Students, 4) requirements for continued standing of all clergy, including Boundary Training every five years for active ministers, and 5) standing for retired Commissioned Ministers.
Below are the Policy and Criteria on the Order of Ministry. Feel free to download these documents and print them for your files. Click on any of the links below to download. Please contact the Regional Office or Tracy Morgan, Chair of the Committee on Standing, if you have any questions.
(COTOM stands for Commission on the Order of Ministry)
COTOM – A – Theological Foundations and Policies and Criteria
COTOM – B – Handbook for Candidates
COTOM C – Application for Commissioned Ministry – amended 02/18/2015
COTOM D – Application for Ordained Ministry– amended 08/5/2015
COTOM – E – Application for Transfer of Credentials – amended 08/5/2015
Other helpful resources:
The Pension Fund of the Christian Church is deeply committed to supporting ministers and those working to enter ministry. It is their hope that through the Student Gift Programs they can create an environment of support to sustain ministry for the Church.
Student Gift Membership Program Application can be found here:
If you are in need of parental leave, vocational counseling or new church gift, applications can be found here:
If you are interested in beginning on the path toward ministry with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Central Rocky Mountain Region, the first step is to meet with Joan Bell-Haynes, our Regional Minister. Please call Jennifer Force, Executive Administrator 303-561-1790 to schedule a time to meet with Joan.
In September, 2012, the Regional Board approved the Theological Foundations and Policies and Criteria for the Ordering of Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Central Rocky Mountain Region (CRMR), which is essentially an adoption of the General Church policies. The Regional Board also approved a condensed, more “reader-friendly” version of this new document called A Handbook for Candidates Seeking Standing as Ordained or Commissioned Ministers in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Central Rocky Mountain Region. It addresses the most common actions undertaken by the Committee on Standing and outlines more specifically how the Committee on Standing functions in the CRMR.
As you read the Handbook, please take note of a few policies: 1) requirements for Candidates for Ordination and Commissioning, 2) the Apprentice Track for Ordination, 3) standing for Commissioned Theological Students, 4) requirements for continued standing of all clergy, including Boundary Training every five years for active ministers, and 5) standing for retired Commissioned Ministers.
Below are the Policy and Criteria on the Order of Ministry. Feel free to download these documents and print them for your files. Click on any of the links below to download. Please contact the Regional Office or Tracy Morgan, Chair of the Committee on Standing, if you have any questions.
(COTOM stands for Commission on the Order of Ministry)
COTOM – A – Theological Foundations and Policies and Criteria
COTOM – B – Handbook for Candidates
COTOM C – Application for Commissioned Ministry – amended 02/18/2015
COTOM D – Application for Ordained Ministry– amended 08/5/2015
COTOM – E – Application for Transfer of Credentials – amended 08/5/2015
Other helpful resources:
The Pension Fund of the Christian Church is deeply committed to supporting ministers and those working to enter ministry. It is their hope that through the Student Gift Programs they can create an environment of support to sustain ministry for the Church.
Student Gift Membership Program Application can be found here:
If you are in need of parental leave, vocational counseling or new church gift, applications can be found here: