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OM Richard Bacon (R-i)
OM Roger Bray (RI)
OM Bryant Badger (R-i)
OM Paul Barker (R-i)
OM C. Lawrence Bishop (R-i)
OM Stephen Brown (R-i)
OM William Carson (R-i)
OM Earl Caudill (R-i)
OM Donald Cramblit (R-i)
OM Linda Crump-Bertram (DU)
OM Robert Crump-Bertram (C-n)
OM Richard Daetwiler (R-i)
OM Niki Dameron-Smith (R-i)
OM Dwayne Davenport (R-i)
OM Floyd Davis (R-i)
OM Steven Dobbins (R-i)
OM David Evans (R-i)
OM Carla Ficke (R-i)
OM Alan Filippi (R-i)
OM Douglas Goodwin (R-I)
OM Paul Hallock (R-i)
OM John Hammons (R-i)
OM Ron Hansen (R-i)
OM Joseph Harker (R-I)
OM Gaylord Hatler (R-I)
OM Clarence "CD" Haun (R-i)
OM Donald Helseth (R-i)
OM Martha Hermanstorfer (R-i)
CM Carolyn Holdsworth (R-i)
OM John Hull (R-A)
OM Thomas Loftus (R-i)
OM Don Lyles (R-i)
OM Donna McWhirter (R-i)
OM Thomas Norman (R-i)
OM William Nottingham (R-i)
CM E. Marie Parks (R-i)
OM Robert Payne (R-i)
OM Dennis Pendleton (R-i)
CM E. Dean Prophet (R-A)
OM Mark Pumphrey (R-I)
OM William Robertson (R-i)
OM Christene Ross (R-i)
OM Patricia Schneider (R-i)
OM John Shaw (R-i)
OM William Sikes, Jr. (R-i)
OM Bruce Smith (R-i)
OM Carol Somplatsky-Jarman (R-i)
OM William Somplatsky-Jarman (R-i)
OM Keith Stephenson (R-i)
OM James Suggs (R-i)
CM Cynthia White (R-i)
OM Michael Yarbrough (R-i)
Professional Classification Codes
OM—Ordained Minister
CM—Commissioned Minister
LM—Licensed Minister
A – Associate Minister (local congregation position)
C –a – Armed Services Chaplain (standing would come through GCOM)*
C - f – Institutional chaplain (Federal Institution) (standing would come through GCOM)* #
C - n – Institutional chaplain (NON-Federal Institution) (standing would come through the region in which the chaplain is employed) #
CE – Christian Educator (local congregational position)
CM – Campus Minister #
D – Disciples minister serving a non Disciples congregation
DU – Disciples minister with UCC standing serving a UCC congregation
EM – Minister employed by a national ecumenical organization
ER – Minister employed by a regional ecumenical organization
G – Minister employed by a general manifestation (standing would come through GCOM)*
GU – Disciples General Ministry Minister with United Church of Christ Standing
HE – Minister employed in Higher Education
I – Clergy who are serving in Interim, Transitional, or temporary acting ministry position in congregations
M – Global (non-north American) Missionary (standing would come through GCOM)*
MC – Minister of Counseling #
MM – Minister of Music (local congregational position)
NP – Non-parish minister
OP – Other employment but preaching
P – Pastor of a recognized congregation (local congregational position)
R - a – Retired active minister or missionary (including those who are retired for Pension Fund purposes but still serving in position of ministry)
R – i - Retired inactive minister or missionary
RG – Senior Regional Minister (standing with region and GCOM)
RM – Regional Minister other than RG (standing only with region)
SA – Student Associate minister (local congregational position)
SC – Student chaplain #
SP – student pastor (local congregational position)
SZ – Ordained minister returning to school for a limited time or Ordained student not presently employed in ministry
UC – United Church of Christ General Minister with Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Standing
UD – Qualified UCC Ordained Ministerial Partner with Disciples Standing serving a Disciples congregation (local congregational position) #
*General Commission on Ministry, as different from a Regional Commission on Ministry
#Standing does not necessarily include ecclesiastical endorsement, but ecclesiastical endorsement requires initial and ongoing standing.
OM—Ordained Minister
CM—Commissioned Minister
LM—Licensed Minister
A – Associate Minister (local congregation position)
C –a – Armed Services Chaplain (standing would come through GCOM)*
C - f – Institutional chaplain (Federal Institution) (standing would come through GCOM)* #
C - n – Institutional chaplain (NON-Federal Institution) (standing would come through the region in which the chaplain is employed) #
CE – Christian Educator (local congregational position)
CM – Campus Minister #
D – Disciples minister serving a non Disciples congregation
DU – Disciples minister with UCC standing serving a UCC congregation
EM – Minister employed by a national ecumenical organization
ER – Minister employed by a regional ecumenical organization
G – Minister employed by a general manifestation (standing would come through GCOM)*
GU – Disciples General Ministry Minister with United Church of Christ Standing
HE – Minister employed in Higher Education
I – Clergy who are serving in Interim, Transitional, or temporary acting ministry position in congregations
M – Global (non-north American) Missionary (standing would come through GCOM)*
MC – Minister of Counseling #
MM – Minister of Music (local congregational position)
NP – Non-parish minister
OP – Other employment but preaching
P – Pastor of a recognized congregation (local congregational position)
R - a – Retired active minister or missionary (including those who are retired for Pension Fund purposes but still serving in position of ministry)
R – i - Retired inactive minister or missionary
RG – Senior Regional Minister (standing with region and GCOM)
RM – Regional Minister other than RG (standing only with region)
SA – Student Associate minister (local congregational position)
SC – Student chaplain #
SP – student pastor (local congregational position)
SZ – Ordained minister returning to school for a limited time or Ordained student not presently employed in ministry
UC – United Church of Christ General Minister with Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Standing
UD – Qualified UCC Ordained Ministerial Partner with Disciples Standing serving a Disciples congregation (local congregational position) #
*General Commission on Ministry, as different from a Regional Commission on Ministry
#Standing does not necessarily include ecclesiastical endorsement, but ecclesiastical endorsement requires initial and ongoing standing.